The left sidebar in the Zulip web and desktop apps helps you navigate your
conversations, and start new
ones. It has three main
- Views provide various ways to get an overview of your messages.
- The direct messages section shows your direct
message conversations.
- The channels section shows the channels
you are subscribed to.
You can customize how channels are organized within the channels
section by:
You can also configure
where clicking on channel links in the left sidebar takes you.
There are many ways you can adjust the left sidebar to help you focus on the
information you need in the moment.
Expand or collapse the views section
- Click the triangle to the left of the views heading in the left sidebar.
Expand or collapse the direct messages section
- Click the triangle to the left of the direct messages heading in the left
Show more direct message conversations
If the direct messages section in the left sidebar is collapsed, click on
the direct messages heading to expand it.
Click on a recent DM conversation to view it, or click more
conversations. If you don't see this link, then you are already viewing all
of your direct message conversations.
To return to the channel list in the left sidebar, click the back to
channels link above the search box.
Show all topics in a channel
Click on a channel in the left sidebar.
Click show all topics at the bottom of the list of recent topics in the
selected channel.
To return to the channel list in the left sidebar, click the back to
channels link above the search box.
- At the top left corner, click the icon.
- At the top left corner, click the icon.
You can configure whether channel links in the left
sidebar go to the channel feed, or to the top topic in the
Go to Preferences.
Under Navigation, select your preferred option from the
Channel links in the left sidebar go to dropdown.
You can start any new conversation from the left sidebar, regardless of what
you’re currently viewing.
Start a new direct message conversation
Click the plus ()
button next to the direct messages heading in the left sidebar.
Start typing the name of the person or group you want to
message, and select their name from the list of suggestions. You can continue
adding as many message recipients as you like.
Click on the compose box, or press Tab to compose your message. You
can preview your message before
Click the Send () button, or
use a keyboard shortcut to send your
You can also use the X keyboard shortcut to start a new direct
message conversation.
Start a new topic
Click the plus () button next
to the name of the channel where you'd like to start a conversation.
Enter a topic name. Think about finishing the sentence: “Hey, can we chat about… ?”
Click on the compose box, or press Tab to compose your message. You
can preview your message before
Click the Send () button, or
use a keyboard shortcut to send your
You can also use the C keyboard shortcut to start a new topic in
the channel you're viewing.
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